Monday, October 13, 2008


I love to go back to my hometown, but I forget how much it has changed. I had thought that everyone I had once known so well had moved on and disappeared. This past weekend, I was happy to see that many are, in fact, still nearby and doing very well. Now, thanks to the internet, I can stay in touch and get re-acquainted with my friends from the past, I even made some new friends. Thanks to everyone for making my hometown feel like home again. (you know who you are)....

Monday, September 1, 2008

An early Autumn in New Hampshire .

Some folks hate rain, others find it beautiful and refreshing. Depending on your current weather situation, rain will either help you or hurt you. I guess you might as well accept it.

Me? I find pleasure in rain. Not the pain-in-the-ass drizzle that sucks, but the torrential downpours that flood the streets within a matter of minutes. Usually accompanied by strong winds, loud thunder and dangerous lightning, I'll stand in it, chase it down, hold on tight and shoot the lightning.

A week in New Hampshire with friends and family was pretty much nothing but rain, but within that we found relaxation, inspiration, and plenty of fun. Followed by amazing sunsets that provided me and my friends with beautiful photos all week long.