I meant to sit down and post to this blog at least 5 times in 2009, and the next thing I know it's 2010! I know everyone says it, but where in the hell did that year go?
Well, let's reflect. Unemployed in February, self-employed in March. Not that I made enough money this year to support myself, but I dedicated at least 35-50 hours a week working on my photography business. Time flies when you're having fun, right?
Then there was Camp Avoda, which seems like so long ago. Two months of teaching and shooting seemed at times like two weeks and at others like two years. My summer wasn't the typical "day at the beach". It was pretty fast-paced, and very rainy if I remember correctly.
Then we had about a week of Fall (including an awesome trip to Jamaica), a not-so-successful Halloween party, followed by Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years all within about a week of each other, give or take.
And here we are, six days into 2010 and I've stalled out. Not even sure what direction I'm headed in, but knowing I don't want to end up back in the "submit-your-resume-for-kicks" line. For those of you reading this, I promise to be more adamant with my posting. I mean, it only took 5 minutes...
I think...
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